Saturday, June 12, 2010

School Work Binders

This is a super simple way to keep the school work clutter under control! At the beginning of each year I fill a large binder full of page protectors. When Jaxson brings home papers that we want to add to his binder we just toss it in. I've heard a lot of people say that they take pictures of art projects, toss the actual project and just keep the picture, but we like to have the original. We just fold those up and slip them in a protector as well.

I attach a picture of him on the first day of school to some cardstock and I have him write his name. I love seeing how his handwriting improves each year! Then I write the year on a slip of cardstock and put it in the side pocket and wahlah! A cherished keepsake.


  1. Jenni! What a fabulous idea! This is going to make my craft room sooooo much neater this coming school year. I'm all over this one. Thanks tons for posting such a great idea!

    Your mom's sewing and crafting talents are legendary. I'm going to spread word of your blog to the world. :)

    Major hugs! ---Cauleen
