Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Summer Schedule

Here is a look at the summer schedule that I came up with for me and my cute kiddos. I started off by choosing a theme for each day of the week. Well, Monday through Thursday. Friday is kind of a free for all, go wherever the wind blows us kinda day. Monday is movie day. Tuesday is a special learning activity unit. Wednesday is our field trip day. I got a group of friends and their offspring together. It will add to the fun and make the whole experience more field trippy. Thursday we will rotate between a cooking class and a craft.

I typed up a schedule for each day of the week. I have to say, I am all kinds of excited about "Quiet Time"!!!

Then I wrote out the different activities for the whole summer. It takes a little doing up front, but will give me loads more play time come summer!

After I decided the themes of our days and filled in my monthly activity calendar, I wrote out a week by week supply list of all the items we will need for each activity. When I make out my weekly grocery list (which I always do on Sunday evenings) I can just glance at my supplies needed worksheet and add those items to my list.

I am trying to keep my daily to do list to a minimum this summer so that I can enjoy my family, so I decided to make a Most Important Task list. I had it laminated and will use a dry erase marker to map out my week, erase when then week is over, and use the same form next week.

I did something similar for the kids. Their list has a spot for the daily chore they are in charge of. I typed up a list of all the chores the kids can help with, cut them apart, and had them laminated as well. At the beginning of each week, the kids will draw a slip for each day and write on their task sheets what they are in charge of. We take Fridays off. No chores. Saturdays they have to do a chore plus vacuum, dust, & straighten their rooms. Each child will take a turn weekly helping to plan, cook, and clean up a meal.

I decided to go simple with the rewards system. Each child will get a punch card. They can earn up to 3 punches per day for things like good behavior, being kind to one another, getting their jobs done without me twisting their arm, etc. They can then turn in the punch cards for predetermined prizes. All are low cost, most are free!

I think this will be a great system to keep us motivated and on task, and allow us to make the most of our fun time together.


  1. I LOVE lists! I do the same type of thing for my kids when they are out of school..helps with everyone's sanity! :)

  2. This is such a great idea! I am starting to panic since school is out next week, and I need to have a schedule for my kids. I love this list idea. Thanks for sharing. I just found your place, such great and cute ideas!

  3. Hey, can you come and organize my life too :)?!? Can't wait til our fun field trips!

  4. I am really impressed!
    You are so talented!
    I will have to take notes and apply one idea at a time. Don't want to overwhelm myself....

  5. I just found your site while looking for a new way to reward my three girls. I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!!! I would like to ask though, how do you determine how many punches for each task? like is it 1 punch for making their bed, 1 for no arguing? etc... Thanks in advance!
