Monday, May 31, 2010

Book of Mormon Summer Reading Schedule

For those of you interested, here is a Book of Mormon Summer Reading Schedule. It begins June 1 and, if you stay on course, finishes August 29. Click on thumbnail to view and print. Please leave me a comment if you participate or download this file. Good luck!


  1. I am going to try this. I am horrible at reading my scriptures regularly. This is a great idea! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hey Jenni, thanks for the printout. Can you explain it for me, I'm sure it's obvious, but I can't figure out what some of them mean. For example, Mosiah 11:18-14:4 please tell me what that means - I know I'm dumb. Is the reading not in order?

  3. Hey Nicole! It's 6 pages a day. It is in order. Mosiah 11:18-14:4 just means you start that day with 11:18 and read 6 pages which ends with 14:4. Does that help or does that just make it worse?

  4. Hey guys, Scriptures 4 Kids and just announced that children 2-17 who read their scriptures for 60 days this summer can receive a $10 gift credit at Deseret Book. If you are going to be reading anyway you might as well take advantage.

    Check out the Scripture Reading Challenge charts, rules and conditions are at

    Happy Reading!

  5. Okay, I realize you posted this in 2010, but I just found it-via another post of yours that I found on Pinterest (lol)-I'm so excited to use this with my kids and myself this summer! Thanks!
